Olivia /Name meaning /Oceans art /


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The meaning and traits for the name Olivia

What you will receive
Your gift with the meaning of your name of choice will be printed on an acid-free 8.5" x 11" beautiful art background of your choice and comes all ready to be framed.

Backgrounds used: Oceans and Butterflies

Information we need
1. Name to be printed
2. male or female
3. background ( you can choose from any on the site)
4. Personalize: with or without
>ornate font for name
>bold lines above and below meaning
>flourish before and after name
>bible verse is a free option
>sentimental line is a free option up to 20 characters including spaces

Some background may not look bright because I had to scan and resize to post it here.
We choose the best readable position for the wordings and depending on the background some words will be smaller.
Thank you for shopping @Dreams, Stella



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